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We would like to thank all the participants and speakers of LCOY UK as well as the venue and our sponsors who made this event possible. It was an inspiring weekend for all of us, and we hope you have gained something to take with you in your future climate action. Stay in touch to get involved with THE Conference of Youth next year in Glasgow.


During the weekend we followed the workshops closely and facilitated two workshops where we brainstormed solutions for the climate crisis. The communiqué created based on all these ideas is now ready, and you can access it below! This document will be sent onto the Conference of Youth this year, where it will shape the youth position for the coming Conference of Parties in Madrid, COP25.


If you have anything you would like to share with us from the weekend, find us on social media or email us at with any feedback, constructive criticism or suggestions. 


Join us for the UK’s first ever Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)! This is your chance to get involved in saving our planet, learning more about climate change and taking control over your own future! There will be 50 LCOY’s around the world this year, from Bolivia to Mauritius, all coordinated under the youth constituency (YOUNGO) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). With so much traction for this event worldwide, your voice will no longer go unheard.


Our LCOY is about sharing knowledge and building links between people who want to work together for our climate. We want to offer an easy introduction to those of you who have never been in the environmental space before, whilst bringing together the old pros to create stronger connections and build a stronger, more resilient movement of youth. It is harder to ignore us when we stand together.


The climax of the conference will be the creation of a policy proposal which will be fed into the global Conference of Youth (COY). From the COY will come a synthesised policy report from all grassroots youth across the world who participated in LCOYs and will be fed directly into the Conference of the Parties (COP) - the largest international climate change conference. This is a unique way to have your voice heard on a global platform.


This is a whole weekend event, starting off on Saturday morning, and ending Sunday afternoon. There will be lots of opportunities for networking and Lunches will be provided. We have a treat planned for the Saturday evening, where you will have the chance to relax, make friends and have fun at a 'Climate' Ceilidh, which is bound to make for a very memorable evening!


If you’re a young person and would like to be more engaged with tackling climate change, join what promises to be an inclusive, eye-opening event, where you can truly make a difference.


We are very pleased to announce Good Energy as the official sponsors of LCOYuk

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