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"Climate organisers are set to descend on Manchester" - Bright Green


"Events like these are an important way to bring young people together from all over the country, and to connect these people with other LCOYs in other countries, all feeding into the global Conference of Youth that happens right before the real COP. These are essential events in providing a youth perspective on global climate policies and negotiations... No doubt there are many ways in which action must be taken by governments and wider society to fight climate change. LCOY hopes to be a space to share these ideas, question the lack of action worldwide, and be part of calling for greater action from UK youth on climate action around the world."


"Youth #climate conference in #Manchester, 23-4th November – a “must-attend” @LCOYUK" - Manchester Climate Monthly


One of our organisers, George, was interviewed ahead of the conference; "We’re extremely proud to be hosting the first LCOYUK in Manchester. It’s history in activism, the city’s diversity and the vast student community that spans every corner of the city made it a sought-after location for our conference. After the climate strikes, the XR rebellions and other protests many young people have asked, “What’s Next?” The LCOYUK is next. Help us create a network of inspiring young activists and empower our communities to take action for global climate justice."


"Local Conference of Youth 23rd/24th November 2020" - The University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences Student Blog


Team member Sarah wrote a blog on her university website about the conference; "I am passionate about ensuring young people have a platform from which to address the climate crisis. We have huge power to lead the change our society so desperately needs, yet all too often the youth voice is overlooked in decision making on climate change...We don’t want the LCOY to just be any old conference; throughout the weekend we will be putting together a policy statement to voice the thoughts and ideas of our delegates and feed into the upcoming COP.... I think our dedication to organising this conference and the fantastic reception it has had already demonstrates how much the UK youth care about the environment and want to put pressure on policy makers to face up to the most important issue of our time."


"Manchester set to host UK’s first Youth Environmental Conference" - The MancUnion


"The event aims to educate young people about the importance of local, national and global activism in solving international climate issues. They believe the event will create a network of UK youth leaders within the wider international climate movement, and encourage UK youth to play an active part in the climate justice movement."


"University student and staff member volunteer for UK’s first local conference of youth on climate change" - University of Chester


Organiser Rebecca Brett shared her volunteering experience with her university community "... LCOY envisages that the event will create a network of UK youth leaders within the international youth climate movement; allowing young people to understand and learn more about the relationship between domestic and international climate issues, together with the importance of local, national and global activism in solving them."



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