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Here at LCOY UK, we felt it was incredibly important the youth voice, which may not be directly represented at our event, is heard. In order to achieve this, we designed and distributed a range of outreach resources for younger children to use and explore. These include Climate Bingo Cards, ‘Tell us all you know’ tasks, Climate Change Wall prompts and many more. You can download these resources below.



A student at Slaley First School was so inspired by our discussion about Climate Change last week that she felt it was her responsibility to educate as many people as possible. To do this, she created a Climate Change Poster which she is going to fix to the outside of her house so that everyone who passes can learn about Climate Change, and the steps we can take to help.



We were blown away today when we heard that three students from Slaley First School chose to use their lunch time to pick up pieces of litter which had been blown under the hedges surrounding their field. In response to this act of helpful consideration, the school has decided to begin awarding ‘Climate Change Champion’ stickers for students who go above and beyond in the fight against climate change.

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Slaley First School has been the first school to take on our Climate Change Challenge, setting their students the weekly task of completing our ‘small changes to change the world’ bingo cards. We think you will agree, they are already doing an amazing job!


In an effort to help everyone recycle, a student at Slaley First School created his very own Recycling Robot, and we just had to share it

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Students at Slaley First School were sharing their ideas on how we might combat climate change using our 'Time for Change' task sheet.

We wanted to give a huge shout out to Slaley First School for the amazing response we have received with regards to our School Outreach Project. Responses from both parents and students have been incredibly supportive and proactive, with LCOYuk’s activities even featuring on their website:


After planting a tree on her birthday, one of the children at Slaley First School has harvested and replanted her first conker ready to grow her very own tree in the spring. No wonder her teachers awarded her a ‘Climate Change Champion’ sticker!



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